In this year of Jubilee—when we are talking about liberty, hope and our future as a church—no topic is more critical to our congregation and our culture than marriage. Marriage, the core institution of humanity, is in trouble and, as I mentioned to the students in last week’s sermon, we are listening to the wrong […]
My Secret Interest Found Out!
During our Christmas break in Salt Lake City, my daughter Rachel came downstairs to find me engaged in an activity she had never witnessed me doing before: “Daddy… I didn’t know you did jigsaw puzzles!” I don’t, often. But I do enjoy them. The challenge of piling up edges, corners and colors and beginning to […]
Year of Jubilee!
Jubilee! Last Sunday we learned about God’s gracious plan for restoring his people to the life and legacy he intended. Every 50 years was the Year of Jubilee. Land was allowed to lie fallow and heal itself, slaves were set free, property was restored to its original owners and debts were cancelled. Every 50 years […]
Well, 2012 is in the can. As I have mentioned repeatedly, I believe last year will go down as one of the most important in our history as a church. But 2013 ain’t going to be bad, either! On November 17, 1963, the Reverend Paul Neel led 96 charter members to establish Chapel Hill Presbyterian […]