A Mixture of Nerves, Excitement & Prayers
It is with a mixture of nerves, excitement and much needed prayers that Chapel Hill’s 8th GO Team is leaving for Guatemala tomorrow, Friday, April 12th.
The team will leave for the airport at 4:00 a.m. to start a journey that will take them from our comfy little harbor in Washington to a village at the end of the road at the top of the mountain in Guatemala. There they will continue to buiild on the friendships with the people of Villa Hortencia that began back in April of 2009.
The team members are: Gail Hall, Kevin, Sarah, Chloe & Eli Williams, Norma Nordquist, Jackie Hayden, Summer Scandrett, Jessica & Samuel Tchindebet and Loire Klade. Please pray for them while they are away and for their families who will miss them in their absence.