Guess who’s coming to worship!

Guess who’s coming to worship!

First off, well done!  I encouraged you to set your clocks 30 minutes early last Sunday so that you would not miss the opening set of Bluegrass, and the sanctuary was full at the start of the hour! Both services! Well done!
So, now that you are developing a new habit of being a little early for church, may I strongly encourage you to continue that practice this Sunday, because we will be welcoming back–not one but–two former Chapel Hill staff members who will be sharing and leading in worship. I’m not saying who they might be, but one of them writes a lot of songs and will be leading the opening worship set, and one of them is doing mission work in Cambodia! I know some of you kicked yourselves because you missed Bluegrass Sunday. You will be giving yourself another good hind-end kicking if you miss the start of this Sunday’s service. And by the way, we will also have available (finally) the long-awaited CDs featuring that unnamed musical pastor.
On a serious note, I want also to add that we will share in what I’m sure will be one of the most poignant and powerful baptisms you will ever witness. I promise, there will be very few dry eyes by the time we are done!
Then the following Sunday is Communion. We welcome all to the Lord’s Table who have confessed their faith in Christ, including children who have not yet been confirmed. The Session now offers a resource for parents of believing children who wish to prepare them to participate in this sacrament. We are also beginning to prepare our children by allowing them the opportunity to share the story of their faith with the Session. If you are such a parent and would like to receive a training booklet and schedule an interview with an elder, please contact the church office at 851.7779. Of course, those children who are not yet ready to receive communion are still invited to come forward with their church family during communion to receive a personal blessing.
It will be another great Sunday of worship. I look forward to sharing it with you… all 60 minutes of it!
Pastor Mark
P.S. Our next All In! membership class will begin July 7. If interested, sign up here.