Man Up!

Man Up!

Seven years ago we launched a program that changed our congregation. Of all the educational offerings over my 25 years, none has impacted and continued to reverberate through our church like this one. Do you remember? Have you heard of it?  Men’s Life. The theme for that first year was, The Quest for Authentic Manhood. It started with the premise that men are looking for and longing for a sense of direction and purpose in their lives that our culture no longer provides. The Bible offers a clear picture of what God intended a man to be. Men’s Life explored those principles, provided practical tips, and dealt honestly with the wounds that many men carry–offering real healing and hope.
If you were not here in those days, just ask around. I’ll bet you’ll quickly find someone who was and who will tell you what a difference in made in their life, their marriage, their fathering, their work and their relationships. And if you were there, I’ll bet you’d benefit from a refresher course… and I’ll bet you’ve got friends who would be blessed by this just as you were.
In the Fall, we will reprise this program with a concentrated 12-week series. Beginning on Wednesday, September 18, I will teach for a total of 12 weeks, wrapping it up by mid-December. (There will be childcare available and a concurrent Women’s Life study on the book of Hebrews, so you can bring your whole family.) You will be hearing much more about it in the weeks to come. We have a team of men who are working behind the scenes to provide this opportunity to hundreds of men from our church and our community.
Truly, I cannot imagine a single other thing that could make a bigger difference in your life or the life of the man you love. Please put it on the calendar. Please purpose right now to make this a commitment. And please pray that God will use this go-round in the same way He did the first time… and that hundreds of men and marriages and kids’ lives will be changed forever.

Pastor Mark

P.S. If you’re interested in getting a leg up on our time this fall, you can come to the Power Hour Breakfast on July 20 at 7am for food and fellowship. I think you’ll like it!