It’s All the Men’s Fault!

It’s All the Men’s Fault!

I know it’s controversial, but I’m going to say it: most every major societal problem rests at the feet of men. It is empirically true. By far, the majority of crime, violence and unrest is caused by men. Over the past 50 years, our culture of sameness has so diminished the uniqueness of the two genders that we have raised entire generations of men who do not know what it means to be a real man and are too intimidated to even ask such a question.

The Church hasn’t helped much. We are one of the most feminized of American institutions which explains why, in most churches, women vastly outnumber men. Even though Jesus Christ was the greatest and most authentic man that ever lived, we have failed to present the claims of His gospel in a way that captures the hearts and fires the imaginations of men. But if the real message of Jesus is understood, it offers a vision for manhood that can transform marriages, families and communities.
We are going to do something about this. Starting Wednesday, I will be teaching a ten-week series called The Quest for Authentic Manhood. This is based upon a much larger series that I taught 7 years ago, but I have completely re-worked the material. I promise this: if you faithfully attend this program, all of it, you will walk away with a clear biblical definition of manhood and some specific tools to help you be the husband, father, friend and mentor that God created you to be.
Even if you attended seven years ago, sign up. There is new material and your presence and experience will be a blessing to others. I am particularly hopeful that young men will make this a priority. If you are 25 and begin to put these principles into practice, it will change the trajectory of your entire life. But men of any age will benefit.
If you haven’t already done so, you may register on line. And as a teaser, I am going to be speaking at this Saturday’s Men’s Life Breakfast on the subject “The Four Faces of Manhood.” You may register here.
A word to the women: I have heard from many wives who said that Men’s Life changed their marriages and families. If you ever brought your influence to bear on your husband, this is your moment!

Pastor Mark