Numbers I Am Thankful For
Happy Thanksgiving Eve!
This was a week of numbers for me and I thought I’d share them with you. They are numbers of celebration…and some of them are numbers of opportunity!
803-That’s the number of Covenant Cards that were turned in on last Covenant Sunday; those who said, in specific ways, “I want to be a more faithful disciple of Jesus in this specific way!” Halleljuah!
150-Those who turned in their Covenant Card with their own stamp already on it. Thanks! (We will mail every card back to you in three months as a checkpoint for your own discipleship.)
8-The number of extra stamps someone donated to help with the cards
10-The number of envelopes that didn’t have an address on them. (Sorry, we can’t mail it back to you, but God knows who you are!)
1000+-The number of jars of peanut butter you turned in for the Basket Brigade. Way to go, Chapel Hill!
40-The number of peanut butter jars that one Chapel Hill member solicited from her running group. Most of them are not believers, but she took a small step of disciple-making by inviting them to participate in this non-threatening outreach opportunity. Well done!
260– the number of bell-ringing slots for the Salvation Army signed up for by Chapel Hill folks! (There are still 35 slots left!)
34 – the number of adults,and kids who faithfully attend handbell rehearsals each week so we can share our music with the church and retirement homes during Christmas
65-The number of cards we received asking us to continue doing The Table. (Keep your eyes open!)
50-The number of Upward basketball kids who still don’t have a coach. (This has been a record-setting year of sign-ups. Praise the Lord!)
5-The number of kid-champion adults needed to provide coaches for those kids. How about you?
3-The number of pastors who will be ordained or installed at tonight’s Thanksgiving Eve Service: Bill MacDonald as our new Assistant Pastor of Renewal and Larry and Megan Hackman as our new Associate Pastors. (Yeah, Bill and yeah, Hackmans… or as we call them, the “Hackmen!”)
2-The number of families who were back in church last Sunday after an extended absence because someone noticed and gave them a call. Welcome home; we missed you! (Who needs a call from you?)
And finally…
1-The number of Senior Pastors who is in love with his Sweetheart Church and counts it as among his greatest blessings for which he is incredibly thankful.
Please join that Senior Pastor tonight at 7:00 as we give thanks for all these numbers… and more!
Pastor Mark
P.S. If you were unable to be with us on Covenant Sunday and wanted to fill out a Covenant Card, here is the link. Return it in a sealed, self-addressed envelope to the church, and we will add it to our growing stack of intentional disciples!