Month: March 2015

John 18

What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus showed self-control and restraint as he was arrested, taken away and questioned by religious and civil authorities.   We must be willing to speak the truth about God even in hostile environments. What did I learn about disciple-making? Sometimes disciples will run away when they face persecution or […]

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John 17

What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus prays for himself, for his present disciples, and for his future disciples. We need to pray regularly about the themes of protection, unity, and Jesus’ glorification. What did I learn about disciple-making? A primary strategy God employs to disciple the world is to sanctify believers through his word. […]

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John 16

What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus must depart so he can send the Holy Spirit. (7) Jesus doesn’t give me more than I can bear. (12)  What did I learn about disciple-making? Asking and receiving, in Jesus’ name, will bring great joy. (24) The Holy Spirit will guide me in the truth and bring […]

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John 15

What did I learn about Jesus? Fruit-bearing is a natural part of being a follower of Jesus To bear fruit I must remain connected to Jesus What did I learn about disciple-making? Disciples who remain connected to Jesus can ask for whatever they wish! (7) I bring glory to the Father when I bear fruit. […]

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John 13

What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus showed his disciples the “full extent of his love” by washing their feet. We demonstrate God’s love when we serve others.  What did I learn about disciple-making? Loving others is the prerequisite to all disciple-making. We model disciple-making best when we love others sacrificially. Extended thoughts and observations […]

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