Disciple-making As Lifestyle
We knew the name, Doug Burleigh, for nearly two years before we ever met. He is known to this community as a friend, pastor, as the guy who does that stuff in Russia, as a former YoungLife president, and as the one who introduced us to the original 90 Day Challenge. I will always remember him as the guy who taught me the power of calling myself a “follower of Jesus.” And if you don’t already know him, I’m excited to introduce him to you next week. Doug will be preaching for us Sunday morning and returning Sunday night to tell us stories of Disciple-making as a Lifestyle.
Doug and his wife, Debbie, are long-time followers of Jesus. I was intrigued by the stories I had heard of his life with Christ, so I asked how we could get more time with him. He said, “Come to [Washington] DC and spend a few days with us.” So we did! And these are the kinds of thoughts we had after our time together in May:
- Maybe we should stop using the word “Christian” (which has baggage) and use the language “Follower of Jesus” instead.
- Maybe I shouldn’t be so apathetic about politics (a chronic issue of my generation, just being honest).
- There are politicians I (actually) think I would be friends with!
- How is the church helping local communities thrive?
- How are we solving social issues rather than causing them?
- How could churches work together?
- Do I pray for our government officials (like Scripture commands me to??)?
- What would be the impact globally of traveling as a “Presbyterian” “pastor” instead of simply a “follower of Jesus”?
- What influence could I have if my business card merely said “Megan Hackman, friend, Gig Harbor, WA”?
If these thoughts are in any way provocative for you, too, I invite you to come and meet Doug on Sunday night, July 26th at 6:30pm in the Gathering Place. He’ll be sharing stories of a life sold old to following Jesus. That’s why the time together is called, “Disciple-making as a Lifestyle.” It is simply the life of Doug and Debbie to make disciples as-they-go in their life.
I look forward to sharing more of the signs and wonders of how the Spirit is on the move throughout our world in the lives of our (perhaps not-so) ordinary friends.
Pastor Megan