How you can prepare for Ravi Zacharias this weekend
I’m not sure the first time I heard Ravi Zacharias on his radio show, “Let My People Think,” but it was many years ago. What I DO remember was that he had an unusual, pleasing voice and that I’d hate to have a debate with him. He would speak on campuses that were famously hostile to the gospel, take questions from a student who was clearly set on stumping or humiliating him, and with an incredible grace and apparent ease, turn the question on its head…all the while treating the student with great grace.
Ravi is a self-described apologist. This does not mean he tells people he is sorry for talking about the gospel. An “apologist” is one who makes a cogent argument for something, and that “something,” in Ravi’s case, is the gospel of Jesus. The tagline of his international organization is, “Helping the thinker believe; helping the believer think.” He has done so for hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people all around the world. Ravi is a big, big, big deal.
And he’s coming to little old Gig Harbor! This Sunday at both the 9:00 and 10:45 am services, Ravi will be speaking at Chapel Hill. You can thank Elder Rich Jasper, a teacher at Ravi’s summer institute in Oxford for the last 10 years, for this incredible opportunity. Ordinarily, Ravi speaks to stadiums full of people. But this Sunday, he will be with us.
If you are a member of our church family, I want to ask you to do several things. First, invite a friend…especially an unbelieving friend…and then, take them to lunch afterwards to discuss what you have heard. Second, please park across the street at Discovery Elementary or Centurylink. Our parking lot will be packed. Third, please consider yourself a HOST and not a spectator. Many guests will join us that day and this is YOUR opportunity to give up a favorite seat in order to welcome a newcomer. And finally, please pray. Pray that God will do something powerful through his servant, Ravi.
Wow…Ravi Zacharias. At Chapel Hill. THAT’S something!
Pastor Mark
P.S. If you usually come to worship Saturday nights, please be aware that Ravi Zacharias is not preaching at this service because he will be traveling to Gig Harbor from a Ligonier Ministries conference in Seattle. Instead, we are going to have a special time of scriptural reflections by Pastor Megan Hackman, music by Pastor Ellis White and Gunnar Tesdahl, and an opportunity for you to pray for revival in our city, as well as for those who will come on Sunday to hear Ravi Zacharias share the gospel. Of course, you may choose to come both days.