Instagram Jesus Week 5: Day 1 Intro/LifeGroup Questions

Instagram Jesus Week 5: Day 1 Intro/LifeGroup Questions


This daily devotional pairs with Mark 1:14-20 and the sermon preached Feb 2-3

Written by Lilly Davis

Grew up at Chapel Hill. Currently working towards a Master of Divinity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Loves engaging with Scripture with both mind and heart and discussing it with others, particularly when paired with good food or coffee. Also enjoys viewing God’s creation through the lens of photography.

LifeGroup Guide


How has Jesus been challenging you this week? Where have you experienced transformation?


Mark 1:14-20


Make a mental note of how many times this passage uses the word “immediately”. This is one of Mark’s favorite words throughout the gospel! How does the use of this word shape our understanding of this story?

What did Jesus mean when he said “the time is fulfilled”? How is this connected with the next statement “the kingdom of God is at hand”?


Our LifeGroup structure is directly shaped by Mark 1:17 “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” How does this verse help us understand how Jesus calls his disciples to make a head, heart, and hands commitment to follow him? Who is it who transforms the disciples to become fishers of men?


The disciples left behind many things to follow Jesus – careers, family expectations, possessions, home, family. What is different, changed or been “left behind” because of your commitment to follow Christ? What has been the cost to you?

Jesus directly used the practical experience of these fishermen’s every day work to give them a vision for kingdom-minded work. How is Jesus transforming and using your professional experience to give you a vision for living for him in the midst of your workplace or in another context?

Where do you see Jesus making you into a “fisher of men”?


Many of Jesus’ first disciples worked in the same location and/or were in the same family. Who can you pray for and reach out to this week who is in your workplace or family?

Where is God calling you to “repent and believe in the gospel”? Spend time reflecting about where you need to confess, change your behaviors and/or thought patterns and have faith in the good news of God’s saving power in Christ.