It all started with an invitation

It all started with an invitation

He became a vital part of our youth ministry and was discipled by our leaders. He participated twice in our University Campus evangelism outreach programs at Arizona State University. He is studying philosophy and theology at Whitworth University and has a long-term dream of being a speaker for Ravi Zacharias International Ministry. He’s coming this summer as a church-planting intern! And it all started with an invitation to church.

Eric Anderson is his name. The Burgess family invited him to come to Chapel Hill’s middle school ministry youth group. Although his Christian journey had begun before he came to Chapel Hill, Eric will be the first to tell you it was the people of Chapel Hill who gave him opportunities and resources to grow. And the rest is history. Eternity-shaping history, I daresay.

We have no idea the powerful things that God can do when we stick our necks out…and invite someone to church. No idea!

There is no church-inviting moment like Easter! If there is ANY time in the year when unchurched and de-churched people might be open to an invitation to a worship service, this is the time. We are going to work hard at our five services to provide a setting in which the Holy Spirit can speak to even the hardest of hearts…and all that remains is for you to play your part and prayerfully invite that person God has laid upon your heart.

Five services! It will be a big weekend. For those who prefer a more traditional Easter, our 7:00 Sunrise and 8:30 morning services will fit the bill. Please, join me at 7 and I’ll spring for hot-cross buns and free parking!

But don’t just come. Be a S.A.P.! Serve at one of the other services. (This is YOUR house, after all…YOUR party!) Ask that friend we were talking about. And finally, Park at Discovery Elementary if you can.


My Easter sermon is titled “Cliffhanger!” Sounds exciting, don’t you think? I look forward to sharing the excitement with you…and your friend.

Pastor Mark