Sick of Religion? Week 7: Devotional Day 5

Sick of Religion? Week 7: Devotional Day 5

DAY 5 – Friday

Daily devotional


Mark 3:22, John 5:19, John 6:38


Even the scribes identify that Jesus has power in the spiritual realm, and that he is able to cast out demons. They mistake where he gets that power from, but they don’t question his ability or willingness to defeat evil. What is your experience and perspective on Jesus’ authority in the spiritual realm?


Today, read also Romans 8 and Ephesians 6:10-18. These are two great passages that speak to our participation with Christ in the spiritual realm. One talks about the truth of who we are in him, and the benefits he provides to his followers. The other is how we participate with him, in defending ourselves against spiritual attack. Have you seen Christ’s power in your life in any of these ways?

As you consider Jesus’ authority in the spiritual realm, spend some time today thinking about the areas that you believe you need Jesus’ healing and forgiveness, in your own life and the lives of others. Do you believe in his authority over those things? Are your actions consistent with what you say you believe? Are you willing to present yourself to Jesus, as the people did in his day, to experience his power and authority to heal? Consider sharing stories with your LifeGroup and/or friends that testify to his power to heal!

Pray for yourself and others to experience freedom from fear and strongholds that may be holding you back from walking out Christ’s freedom in your life.