Sick of Religion? Week 7: Intro/LifeGroup Questions

Sick of Religion? Week 7: Intro/LifeGroup Questions


This guide pairs with Mark 3:22-30 and the sermon preached at Chapel Hill April 6-7.

Written by Tina Picard

Tina has been a member of Chapel Hill for 12 years, along with her husband, Howie. Mom to two grown daughters, and Grammy to three delightful grandchildren. As a staff member, Tina serves in the area of Next Steps, melding her work and passion for connecting people with their God-given abilities and interests. She also loves to study the Word inductively, and connect women to the Word and to each other. She considers herself fortunate to have opportunities within the EPC (at the presbytery and national levels) to do so. 

LifeGroup Guide


How has Jesus been challenging you this week? Where have you experienced transformation? 


Mark 3:22-30


What is the accusation of the scribes against Jesus? What do they say about his ability and where he gets that power from?

What is the meaning of the two parables Jesus tells in response to these accusations?

Why does Jesus give his response to his opponents in parables? What is the purpose of parables according to Mark’s gospel? (See Mark 4:10-12) 


Even the scribes identify that Jesus has power in the spiritual realm, and that he is able to cast out demons. They mistake where he gets that power from, but they don’t question his ability or willingness to defeat evil. What is your experience and perspective on Jesus’ authority in the spiritual realm?

The scribes, by accusing Jesus of having an unclean spirit, show hard-hearted rejection and opposition of God. They, by their hearts and their actions, have firmly rejected Christ and blasphemed against the Holy Spirit. What is the eternal consequence for rejection of Christ’s redemption (Mark 3:29)? As you consider the seriousness and weight of this for many in our world, let this motivate you to prayer.

What is the good news for all those who accept the offer of forgiveness (Mark 3:28)? What is your response to Jesus—acceptance of his forgiveness, or rejection and opposition of his Holy Spirit? What does your eternity look like as a consequence?


The scribes were wrong about why Jesus was able to expel demons. Rather let us be reminded through this exchange of the greatness of Jesus’ power and authority, that is so much bigger and stronger than Satan. Jesus’ exorcisms show the strong man has already been bound (Mark 3:27), that Satan’s reign “is coming to an end” (Mark 3:26) and Satan’s “kingdom cannot stand” (Mark 3:24). Spend time this week intentionally rejoicing in Christ’s victory over Satan, sin and sickness.

Do you need specific prayer support in an area of spiritual darkness in your life? Our prayer ministry is always happy to pray with you after our church services, and hosts an extended time of prayer on the second Sunday each month at 10:00 am in the Prayer Chapel; look for “Healing Prayer” in your weekly worship guide.