Getting back to normal…
Most of you are probably already aware of the incredible staff that works so hard, often in the shadows, to care for, protect and serve the members and friends of this congregation. I’m sure that you have taken the time, as I often do, to thank those team members for their diligent and faithful service to us.
But it’s nice when someone from the outside takes note of this fact. Last week I received a letter from Gig Harbor Mayor Kit Kuhn, thanking us for all we have done at Chapel Hill to provide vaccination sites for our community. So far, we have hosted seven mass vaccinations… not to mention the three testing sites we provided in the earlier days of the pandemic.

“Your generosity has provided the opportunity for many in our community to become vaccinated and allow us to move towards a more normal existence during this pandemic,” wrote the mayor.
Our Facilities Manager, Dan Griswold, led the charge on this initiative. But he would be the first to tell you he could not have done it without his great staff and volunteer team.
I would say that, from the beginning of COVID, Chapel Hill has been working to return us to a “more normal existence.” Each church and community group has to make their own decision about how they will respond to a crisis such as this. But OUR decision, led by the elders of our church, was to do everything we could to return to a state of normalcy as quickly as possible. To comfort, reassure, regather, and restore what COVID had stolen.
I’m proud of our church for taking that leading role and I’m grateful for Mayor Kuhn’s acknowledgement of that. Together, we will keep pressing forward! We will continue to do everything we can to serve the community and region because that is what Jesus called us to when he commanded us to love our neighbor. And, of course, we are doing this in the name of, for the sake of and to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor Mark
P.S.—I want to remind you again about Gunnar Tesdahl’s ordination service next Sunday, May 23, at 3:00 pm in the Sanctuary and online. This will be a wonderful time where we can demonstrate how we raise up new leaders to pastoral ministry. I know you will want to attend. Get more information here.