LifeGroup Questions

LifeGroup Questions

The most recent discussion questions based on the weekly scripture and sermon are posted here when they become available. Got questions? Connect with Pastor Rachel White.

Week of September 8, 2024

Read Acts 8:1-25

  • What experience have you had when you’ve seen people from all nations and tongues come together around a common cause?
  • How does the story in this passage describe a moment of unity between different kinds of people?
  • Who shared the gospel with you? Was it a “nobody” or a “somebody”? Did it matter?
  • “Everyone shares” is what this passage teaches. Do you? Who has the Lord been asking you to share your life and your hope with recently? You are uniquely positioned to reach them!
  • Who specifically can you pray for and invite to Alpha this Fall? Share to invite them to attend and encourage them to come to an information session on Zoom on September 18th.

Week of September, 1, 2024

Read I Kings 19: 13-21and2 Kings 2.1-14

  • Describe the relationship between Elijah and Elisha.
  • In what ways have you experienced handing over leadership to another or having it handed to you. How do you relate to the story of Elijah and Elisha?
  • What’s one special memory of Pastor Mark and Cyndi’s ministry that you will hold onto?
  • What is one prayer you have for the future of Chapel Hill?
  • What is one way you will engage in the mission of Chapel Hill this Fall season?