Deacons of Chapel Hill
It’s a new era for the Chapel Hill Church Deacons, and we encourage you to serve alongside them! It is only through working together with others in the congregation that the ministry of Deacons can flourish.
What do Deacons do?
Deacons are called to compassionately demonstrate Christ’s love to those in need. They are to show concern for the poor, the sick, the lonely, and those facing any kind of distress. Deacons are also responsible for assessing and meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals within the church. They provide care and support, both practically and prayerfully, to those in their congregation. Finally, Deacons are entrusted with the administration of the church’s mercy ministry. They are to seek out and help individuals or families facing financial difficulties, offering assistance and guidance as needed.
Overall, prayer is an integral part of the Deacons’ ministry, undergirding their actions, decisions, and interactions.
You can be a vital part of the ministry of the Deacons by serving with them. Learn more about the five ministry areas below and contact us if you want to help.
Deacon Ministry areas
Work Crew Ministry
Lead Deacon: Curtis Fries
The Work Crew Deacons ministry at Chapel Hill Church provides Chapel Hill members and attenders with labor for home and yard needs. Their services encompass a range of minor handy-helper tasks for the home, like rotating mattresses, moving furniture, changing filters, basic yard work, and more. Recipients of this assistance are not limited to widows or widowers but include any who face difficulties need support.
Prayer Ministry
Lead Deacon: Sharon Russell
The Deacons’ Prayer Ministry organizes regular prayer meetings, maintains a prayer list, hosts prayer retreats and events, shares prayer requests during services, and develops prayer resources. They also offer prayer support for pastors, staff, and leaders.
Visitation Ministry
Lead Deacon: Carolyn Shain
The Visitation ministry provides support through hospital and homebound visitation, as well as visiting widows and widowers in their first year of grief. They offer a listening ear, share scripture and other helps as needed.
Memorials Ministry
Lead Deacon: Mary Colgate
The Memorials ministry serves with graciousness and hospitality, exemplifying Christ’s love to those who are navigating the loss of a loved one. Working together, they greet guests, set up the reception, and serve food and drinks. A most valuable part of our team are the cookie bakers who bake all the delicious cookies we serve. Following the event, the ministry team cleans up.
Benevolence Ministry
Lead Deacon: Carolyn Cleair
The Benevolence ministry aims to provide temporary relief to those in need and help them move towards living in right relationship with God, self, others, and creation. The team also offers a Faith and Finance class twice a year to help people achieve financial freedom with the help of facilitators and an ally.
Eileen Barnes, Clerk of the Board of Deacons
Carolyn Cleair
Marvin Cleair
Mary Colgate
Billie Dir
Curtis Fries
Rev. Julie Hawkins, Moderator of the Board of Deacons
Mary Hawksley
Debbie Hillman
Denise Parrish
Sharon Russell, Chair of the Board of Deacons
Carolyn Shain