About the Senior Pastor Search Committee members
The members of Chapel Hill Church unanimously voted to approve the Senior Pastor Search Committee nominees as presented by the Session at a congregational meeting Sunday, November 5.
The Senior Pastor Search Committee wants to hear from you! Email your questions to pastorsearch@chapelhillpc.org.

Kathy Berry
Kathy Berry has been a member of Chapel Hill for six years and most often attends the 10:30 am service. She is married to Mike and has three adult children. Kathy serves actively in the youth and music ministry, and you will often see her up front playing the keyboard and singing. Kathy served on staff at Chapel Hill for 11 years and was the Senior Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor where she became very familiar with the duties and responsibilities of a Senior Pastor.
Serena Blair
Serena Blair has been a member of Chapel Hill for 15 years. She most often attends the 10:30 am service where you will likely see and hear her up front with her husband John while she sings and he plays drums. They have two young children. Serena has been on Session for three years and is the current Chair of the Nominating Committee and Vice-Chair of Session. She is also a Leader in both High School and Middle School Youth Ministries and will be going to Mexico this year. She is a Women’s Life Leader, a LifeGroup Leader, an Alpha Leader, and serves locally with the Tacoma Rescue Mission.
Gregg Colbo
Gregg Colbo has been a member of Chapel Hill for more than 20 years. He most often attends the 9:00 am service. He is married to Wendy. They have four adult children. Gregg has been a Deacon and Elder for multiple terms and has served as Chair of Session. Gregg has been a Men’s Ministry leader and LifeGroup leader and previously served on three search committees.
David Derr
David Derr has been a member of Chapel Hill for 25 years. He most often attends the 9:00 am service. He is married to Martha, and they have six children. David has been an Elder for 12 years, including 1.5 years as Clerk of Session and three years as Chair of the Nominating Committee. David is also a LifeGroup Leader and active in the music ministry with the choir, praise team, and the handbells.
Tom Gray
Tom Gray has been a member of Chapel Hill for 11 years. He most often attends the 9:00 am service with his wife Cyndee. They have two adult children and five grandchildren. During his time at Chapel Hill, he has been a Deacon and Elder for six years, on the Executive Committee for two years, and served as Chair of Session. He has served on the Scholarship Committee and the Deacon Review Committee. He has been a faithful prayer team member and has attended the Men’s Ministry trip to Mexico three times.
Leonard Green
Leonard Green has been a member of Chapel Hill for 13 years. He attends both services with his wife, Joni. They have five children and eight grandchildren. Leonard has served on Session for six years, and served as the Treasurer for almost as long as he was on Session. He is a sitting member on the Beyond These Walls Committee and also a LifeGroup leader.
Scott Griffin
Scott Griffin has been attending Chapel Hill for 14 years and a member of Chapel Hill for six years. He most often attends the 10:30 am service with his wife Mary. They have three adult children and five grandchildren. Scott has served as an Elder in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church for 38 years and before then was an Elder in the PC(USA). Additionally, Scott is the former Moderator of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, where he helped govern and develop strategy for the entire denomination. He has previously served on three separate Pastoral Search Committees and has served as Chairman on one.
Kristen Tayet
Kristen Tayet has been a member of Chapel Hill for 10 years. She most often attends the 10:30 am service with her husband of 19 years, Brent. They have three young children. Kristen is a current Member of Session and Vice-Chair of the Elder Nominating Committee. She is also a LifeGroup Leader with previous leadership roles in MOPS, Sunday School, VBS, and Festival of Hope.