

When I announced to the Session last October that I would be retiring within a year, I planned on staying through the entire summer to allow for a smooth transition. Of course, I hoped and prayed that Pastor Ellis would be selected as your new Senior Pastor. But on the chance that someone else was chosen, I wanted to provide enough time for that person to arrive and get settled in.  

Of course, we did choose Ellis! And he doesn’t need any help from me in figuring out where the bathrooms and skeletons are! So…Wednesday, July 31, will be my last office day at Chapel Hill. I’ve spent several months packing, dumping, and digitizing the contents of my office. (Horrific!) I’m nearly cleared out. And, I’ve said most of my farewells to my wonderful staff.  

So, since I have study leave coming to me, I’m going to take that leave in August. I will still be preaching each week and wrapping up a few loose ends. I will also use that remaining time to think, pray, and prepare for the next chapter of my ministry and Cyndi’s.  

One exciting thing to share with you: Cyndi and I have been invited by Leighton Ford Ministries (Billy Graham’s brother-in-law) to a training event for those interested in mentoring pastoral couples. This was something we had already talked about doing together and seems providential! I’ve also been invited by the Session to continue to represent Chapel Hill on the board of Montreat College, a fantastic Christian school in gorgeous Appalachian North Carolina.  

Of course, we are also going to travel and play a lot of golf. We will disappear for six months but intend, at the end of that time of healthy separation, to return as worshipers and servants in the church we love under our new Senior Pastor, whom we also love! 

When I’ve shared my retirement plans over the last year with different folks, some have said, “Retirement’s not biblical.” Well…that’s not quite right. In fact, there is ONE group that was commanded to retire. Do you know who? The priests! (We could translate that as “pastors!”) In Numbers 8:23-26 the Lord told Moses that the Levitical priests could only serve in the temple until they were 50! After that, they were to “withdraw from the duty of the service and serve no more.”  

So, technically, I’ve stayed past my pull date!!! But I’m glad I have. What an exciting journey we’ve shared together. And Cyndi and I are also excited about the next chapter of that journey, both for our Sweetheart Church and for ourselves.  

You will continue to hear from me in our weekly blog and, as I said, I’m preaching throughout August. But I wanted you to know that I am pulling away from day-to-day operations and responsibilities. Pastor Ellis, his team, and our great Session are firmly in control and, as I continue to declare, because I believe it wholeheartedly, our best is yet to be! 

Blessings to you…and I’ll see you on Sunday. 

Pastor Mark