What a Blast We Had at VBS!

What a Blast We Had at VBS!

Vacation Bible School (VBS) has been an important part of Chapel Hill for years. It is part of our DNA to mobilize the next generation to be on mission for Christ. Each year, our Summer Blast VBS really helps the next generation understand what it means to follow Jesus and realize his mission for our lives.

Once again, this year, we witnessed something truly special. A total of 177 children were immersed in the theme of “Scuba: Diving into Friendship with God.” Kids were taught that God is always in our lives. He is real, loves unconditionally, is trustworthy, everlasting, and is the one true God for everyone. This powerful message was delivered through a variety of engaging activities, each designed to excite and inspire the children.

God is a friend who’s real1 Kings 18-19God shows himself to Elijah through ups and downs.
God is a friend who lovesJonah 1-3God shows compassion to the people of Nineveh
God is a friend we can trustMark 4:35-41Jesus calms a storm
God is a friend foreverJohn 18-20Jesus dies and comes back to life
God is a friend for everyoneActs 16:11-15Lydia believes in Jesus

For the next few weeks, families will need to tolerate our singing all the VBS songs; by now, they are really stuck in all of our heads! Just know that these songs are written to remind us of our God, who is our forever friend. Let them sing and remember this great truth. Tomorrow, at VBS Sunday, you will be able to see many of the kids and leaders in front to lead you in learning to worship God with some of our songs. This group will definitely put a smile on your face and joy in your heart. You will not want to miss this week’s ONE service at 10:00 am.

Each year at VBS, we have an element where kids do something to help other kids in need in our community. This part of our VBS week is called “Kid-to-Kid.” This year, we collected 225 jars of peanut butter and 227 jars of jelly, which we will be delivering to Chapel Hill’s local outreach partner, FISH Food Bank. Kids learned that they can be a friend to God by sharing his love…because it is for everyone.

Thank you for being a church that not only loves the young families in this church but also the families in the larger community. One mom learned about VBS when her children came home from school. They were invited by a friend whose family attends Chapel Hill. They don’t have a home church but this mom is so thankful for the week her children had at VBS. They were only going to try it out for one day, but her children begged their mom to let them come for the entire week. They are hoping to go to church for the very first time ever as a family tomorrow morning at 10:00 am.

Thank you, Chapel Hill family, for your offering of tithes, prayers, and time, which all contributed to this being a great week. A big thanks to all of our Summer Blast VBS leaders. Their guidance in the hallways, prayers, and enthusiasm during each of our days are all testament to their love for kids and for Jesus. If you see a VBS volunteer, thank them for serving. Their actions are shaping the lives of kids who are learning what it means to be on mission for Christ. It is even exciting to think forward to a time when these children one day might share their VBS experiences with others.

Just in case you might be called to serve with elementary kids, we still need volunteers to help us lead a small group at our Kid’s Worship, which starts again in August. Sign up to fill a spot or two in the months to come. You can serve every week, once a month, or become a substitute small group leader. It’s easy, as it involves very little preparation. Go to this link and send us your information so you can find out more. Thank you!

Paul Hargreaves
Senior Director of Family Ministries