A Special Thanks from the 37 Fund Committee

A Special Thanks from the 37 Fund Committee

Dear Sweetheart Church:
We want to thank you for attending Wednesday night’s 37 Celebration for Mark and Cyndi Toone.
We hope you had as much fun being with your church family, seeing old friends, sharing a meal together, and celebrating God’s blessing on us. As we moved into the Sanctuary for the formal part of the program, many of you heard from various friends of Mark and Cyndi as they recounted stories from the past 37 years of Mark’s leadership at Chapel Hill.
For those of you not able to attend, we were able to present Mark and Cyndi with our “dream” gift of having each of the member families contribute at least $37 and presented a check to Mark and Cyndi in the amount of $37,000! There was also an announcement made that the Gathering Place will now be named the Mark & Cyndi Toone Gathering Place.
None of this could have happened without a great team that formed the 37 Fund Committee, and we want to personally thank all of you who volunteered to help. We thank the staff who did an outstanding job. Thank you for your generosity towards the 37 Fund Gift, our Session who empowered us to dream big and go for it, and thank you, Chapel Hill, for being known now and forever as the “Sweetheart Church.”
37 Fund Committee, Sandy and Rich Jasper