Integration: Movement Toward Wholeness in Following Jesus

Integration: Movement Toward Wholeness in Following Jesus

By Katie Nelson
Director of Care Ministries

Integration. That’s what my heart and soul have been journeying toward for quite some time now. It’s a concept that has been on my mind ever since I stepped into the role of Director of Care Ministries at Chapel Hill. Integration means bringing all the parts together into a unified whole. As human beings, we are complex creatures. We have physical bodies, but we also carry feelings, thoughts, a spirit, and a web of relationships that we navigate daily. In this blog, I’ll introduce myself and share some thoughts on having an integrated life in Christ.

One of my favorite retired pastors, Pete Scazzero, often shares a saying: “Jesus may be in your heart, but grandpa is in your bones.” Until we learn to integrate our faith in Jesus as both Savior and Lord with the stories and relational patterns we inherited from our families of origin, we risk living fragmented, confused, and frustrated lives. We risk living a life that never fully transforms into the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Here at Chapel Hill, the Care Ministries exist to invite people into the full, whole life that Jesus came to give us (John 10:10). Lay counselors and support group leaders create safe spaces where men and women can be honest about what’s going on inside themselves, helping them live integrated lives in the light of the Gospel. Our goal is to help people in this church and the surrounding community not just survive but thrive.

Another area of my life where I’m learning to integrate is a grief I’ve never experienced before. The sudden death of a young person leaves you in shock and overwhelmed. I want to thank this church community for your prayers for my sister’s family and our extended family as we mourn the loss of Adelaide, a bright and beautiful 19-year-old soul who was tragically killed in an accident at a Young Life camp in Oregon this August. The Good News of Jesus’ presence with us, his death on our behalf, and his victory over sin and death through the resurrection has never felt more real than in the face of death.

I’m personally learning to walk the road that so many others are journeying through right now—grief and pain. How do we re-enter daily tasks while holding feelings of anger and confusion toward God? What does it mean to grieve as people who have hope? Can we hold both grief and gratitude at the same time? Thank you for letting me process this here, because, frankly, I don’t have many answers. What I am finding to be true is that in my pursuit of these questions, my heart only finds the “peace that passes understanding” through surrendering trust to the Living God. He gave us Jesus, and he knows how to suffer with us. In surrender, we find wholeness in God’s infinite wisdom and love.

Lastly, I want to share a bit about my family. I am married to my husband, Paul, and together we parent our daughter, Cora, and our son, Caleb. Parenting is yet another area where I seek integration in my life. I want to be a whole person—satisfied in God’s love for me, receiving his goodness and mercy every day—so that, by His Spirit working in me, I can love my children with compassion, kindness, patience, and abounding love. It sounds lofty, especially when you’re trying to make school lunches with just five minutes before rushing out the door! Help me, Lord!

I know I’m not alone in this desire for our kids to know they are loved by Jesus and to follow him in this world. At Chapel Hill, we are a community committed to raising disciples in our homes and in our church. That’s why I’m excited to host my friend and fellow parent, David Eaton from Axis, for a Parenting Workshop on October 6. David will encourage us to live courageously in our irreplaceable roles as parents. Our tweens and teens need our leadership, especially on the topics he’ll cover: social media, mental health, and gender identity. I hope you’ll join me as we learn and grow together. You can reserve your free spot and claim a swag bag (for the first 100 registrants) here.

I look forward to journeying with you toward a life of wholeness in Christ. What a gift of freedom, love, joy, and peace he gives us as we live for him! If we haven’t met yet, please introduce yourself when you see me.
