Officer Nominee
This is the officer nominee to be approved at the Chapel Hill congregational meeting Sunday, April 16, 2023.

Gregg Colbo
Hi, my name is Gregg Colbo and I’m a follower of Jesus. My wife Wendy and I have been married since 2015 and we have a blended family of six.
I was baptized in the Catholic Church as a baby and accepted Jesus as my lord and savior in high school but didn’t live a life of faith until attending Chapel Hill in 1998. I became a member not long afterwards and reaffirmed my faith but was a lukewarm Christian; I floated in and out of church for years.
Fast-forward to 2007, where the Men’s Life series exposed childhood wounds, opened my eyes and heart, and opened the door to our healing God’s grace and mercy. Since then I’ve been working hard at surrendering all areas of my life to him, serving others, getting deeply connected with my church family, learning Scripture; striving to make his will my will.
I’ve served on Session previously and have also been involved with men’s ministry and the men’s Mexico build trip for a number of years and I’m currently leading a men’s life group and am part of another one.
It’s an honor, a blessing, and a challenge to serve as an Elder. Through God’s grace and with your prayers I will fulfill my duties with fervor, humility, and love.