Elders of Chapel Hill
In Chapel Hill’s denomination, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC), there are typically three offices in the church: Ministers of the Word (Teaching Elders, Pastors), Ruling Elders, and Deacons.
Elders share authority with the Pastors, representing the mind of Christ as they understand it in the various courts of the church, watch over the spiritual welfare of the people, and may be appointed to participate in Presbytery or General Assembly because the EPC is a connectional church. Collectively, the Ruling Elders are called the Session.
Serena Blair
Stephanie Bowlds
Gregg Colbo
Mandy Cuda
David Derr, Chair of the Session
Bret Francesconi
Tom Gray, Vice-Chair of the Session
Leonard Green
Scott Griffin
Chris Hallam
Kristen Tayet
Sue Unterbrink, Clerk of the Session
Rev. Ellis White, Moderator of the Session