Save the Dates!

Save the Dates!

Well friends, it’s one month and counting. My office is pretty much cleared out. I’ve taken home all the books Cyndi is allowing me to take home! (By the way, if you are interested in any of my remaining library they are free for the asking. Call the front desk and they can schedule a chance for you to peruse.) I’ve read through every single file, tossed out four garbage cans full of stuff and consolidated 48 years of ministry, 37 of them here at Chapel Hill, into one filing cabinet. Wednesday was my last office day and the month of August I am taking as study leave. I’m still preaching but, in essence, I’ve handed over day-to-day operations to our new Senior Pastor, Ellis White.

The final week of August will be full! August 25 will be my last preaching Sunday. My daughter Rachel is going to assist me in the service which will be fun. And take note: there will only be one service at 10:00 am. Childcare and Elementary Kids’ Worship will be provided. For those who tend to view the starting time of our services as approximate, you might want to make an exception that day! I realize it will be a little crowded and we will provide overflow seating. But candidly, I couldn’t imagine saying goodbye twice! Once will be enough of an emotional drain. I hope you’ll join me for that Sunday.

On Wednesday night, there will be a Cyndi and Mark Toone soiree of some sort at 4:30 pm. I’m not sure all they have planned, and I AM sure there’ll be plenty of surprises. I hope you can join us for that opportunity to celebrate what God has done in our partnership together over these many years.

And we will wrap up that momentous week on Sunday, September 1, with the installation of our first new Senior Pastor in 37 years! That also will be a single service Sunday at 10:00 am with Childcare and Elementary Kids’ Worship provided.

I hope you can make both Sunday services that week. But if you have to choose one, I’d prefer you attend the installation. I am so excited about the future of Chapel Hill and believe God has provided the perfect next leader for this new season. I hope you pack out that Sanctuary in celebration of the gift that Ellis and his family are to this congregation.

Tomorrow, I’m preaching on one of my favorite passages in the Bible. And we will share communion together…my last one as your senior pastor. If you are able to be in church in person, I hope you will join us.

Pastor Mark