Being Single is not Being Lonely | Gen. 1-2, 1 Cor. 7, Matt. 19, 22 | Chapel Hill Church Gig Harbor

Being Single is not Being Lonely | Gen. 1-2, 1 Cor. 7, Matt. 19, 22 | Chapel Hill Church Gig Harbor

Creation Highlights:
💡 “God created light” – “It was good.” 🌊🌿 “Land, seas, plants, trees” – “It was good.” 🌞🌙⭐ “Sun, moon, stars” – “It was good.” 🐦🐟 “Birds and fish” – “It was good.” 🦁🐘 “Land animals” – “It was good.” 👤💖 “Humankind” – “It was VERY good.”

But then…
😔 “Not good for man to be alone.” Genesis 2:18

Modern Loneliness:
🏥💔 Loneliness = serious health risks 🚬 (15 cigs/day level).
👵🧠 Increases dementia risk by 50%.

💍 Marriage isn’t the ultimate cure (1 in 3 married people feel lonely).
⛪ Instead: Connection in the body of Christ.

Singleness in Scripture:
🎁 Singleness = Gift 💝

🌈 Focus on the Lord.
👑 Focus on the Kingdom.
🌌 Focus on Eternity.
📞 Singleness = Calling 📖 (1 Corinthians 7:17)
🤝 Singleness requires friendship.

💡 Key takeaway: Loneliness is best addressed through deep relationships in Christ, not solely through marriage. 🌟