New Pastor!
As you know, we have been prayerfully seeking the person who will fill the role of Pastor for Renewal at Chapel Hill. Our Pastor’s Nominating Committee (PNC) has dedicated months of searching and praying that God would lead us to the right person. I am pleased to announce that the PNC completed its search and presented a unanimous recommendation to the Session who voted last night, also unanimously, to call Dr. Bill MacDonald as our new Assistant Pastor for Renewal. He has accepted our offer to become a member of your leadership team and we are excited for what he will be bringing to the table!
Here are some fun facts on Bill:
• He is married to Jennifer and they have two adult children.
• He has an extensive Celebrate Recovery/Renewal background.
• He is a gifted teacher and will bring experience to the pulpit and depth to the preaching team.
• He recently completed his Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Seminary (where he also received his Master of Divinity).
• He is highly relational and has strong leadership and supervisory skills.
• He is a gifted classical guitarist!
• Lance Brown thinks he’s terrific!
At present, the plans are for Bill and Jennifer to join us in mid-August after attending the Celebrate Recovery Conference with our Chapel Hill CR team. He also must complete the process of examination and reception into our denomination. But we are optimistic that this will go well and that we will welcome a new member to our pastoral team.
Thank you for all your prayers as we have moved through this process. Would you continue to pray for Bill and Jennifer as they prepare to move to Gig Harbor and fill this very important role? And if you know of a temporary space where they might stay for 2-3 months, we would appreciate it! We are so grateful to our gracious God who, as always, has proven faithful in meeting our needs!
Pastor Mark
P.S.. This Sunday will be the last of our fiscal year. It is your support that makes possible the calling of someone like Pastor Bill. Thanks for your investment in the Kingdom as we close out our year strong!