What does God think of my weakness? | Gig Harbor | Chapel Hill Online

What does God think of my weakness? | Gig Harbor | Chapel Hill Online

2020 has been the year when we’ve found out we’re not as strong as we think we are. Is being weak as awful as our culture makes it out to be? We know what society says about weakness, but what does God think about it? In this sermon, Pastor Mark shares through his own personal experiences how God views our weakness and our strength.

Thinking Further:
1. What typically comes to mind when you think of a hero? How was Jesus different from people’s expectations?
2. COVID has led many of us to an important confession – we are not in control. What areas have you had to let go of this year?
3. Spend some time in prayer as a couple, family or LifeGroup surrendering these areas to God and reminding each other that God is in control.

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