Don’t Fear the Fire | Gig Harbor | Chapel Hill Online

Don’t Fear the Fire | Gig Harbor | Chapel Hill Online

Have you ever struggled to take a stand for something you know is right? In today’s sermon, Pastor Mark Toone shares the story of Daniel and the Fiery Furnace, and how it applies to our lives today. Join us in this episode of Chapel Hill’s Subversive Leadership series and get encouragement to take a stand and grow your trust in God.

Thinking Further:
1. Read Daniel 3:19-30. Have you ever taken a stand for something like Daniel and his friends did in this story? What happened?
2. “But… if …not”. Daniel’s friends were sure that God could rescue them from the fire, but were confident that even if he did not, he was still to be trusted. When was a time that you said a prayer to this effect or lived with this mindset yourself?
3. What are the situations you are facing right now that require a “but… if… not” attitude? Take some time in prayer to bring those to the Lord and verbally express your choice to continue to trust in his love and care for you, whatever the outcome of your circumstances.

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