It was a beautiful day. Not only did the sun shine brightly on us, and we felt its warmth, we saw fruit. Felu gave his heart to Christ. We have seen him return this week to multiple talks, today talking with Michelle at the end, eventually praying with her. Brian and him went to play basketball in the […]
Softening Hearts
Chris, who we shared with you about yesterday, told Stacie and Michelle that he would really like a Bible, so Michelle went and got one for him. She promised if he came back today, she’d have a Bible for him. He came back for it! There was Shaina, who said “I’m debating coming…but I don’t like […]
Fearless at PSU
Today began with a vibrant prayer and worship meeting in which we talked about specific conversations we had on campus yesterday, and then we prayed together about these people – Chris, who grew up with Atheist parents, always believed there was good and evil, and had an experience where he felt like God reached out to […]
Portland State University Mission Begins!
We’ve made it to Portland State University! (In this picture – Lizzie Unterbrink, Megan Kemp (me), Stacie Anderson, Brian Cox and Ellis White – our team from Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church in Gig Harbor.) We embarked on this mission this morning at 5 a.m., arriving to Portland safely and happily to join the extended team who […]
Profound Moments
Today felt like a day filled with profound moments! We started the day by meeting the band members from Arché, India’s first contemporary Hindi rock band. We attended their first concert last night where they debuted their first album. Here we learned more about a wing of Catalyst called Catalyst Creatives who’s goal is to […]
Catalyst Love & Care
Day 3 in India went well. Today we went to experience the differences in the health care system in India. If you are wealthy, you can afford any luxury possible. If you are poor you wont even be admitted to the government hospital unless you have someone to take care of you (change you, your […]
And We’re Off…
When you read this, we will probably be somewhere over the European continent flying from Frankfurt, Germany to Delhi, India. There we will meet up with one of our Church Projects, Catalyst India, and our friend Abhishek Gier. Everything will be different; the food, the time zone (12.5 hours), the crowds, and the needs. Over […]
Poipet Dust
By Dan Griswold Something I will never forget about Poipet Cambodia is its dust. Poipet dust is infamous. It’s in the air, its, in the street, its inside the buildings, its everywhere. When it rains, the Poipet dust becomes the Poipet mud…. and it’s everywhere! Poipet dust reminds me of the brokenness of man… It’s […]
The Flight Home
By Pastor Greg Hello team, as I sit here on our 9-hour flight home, I have some time to reflect on our amazing trip to serve alongside our Cambodian brothers and sisters. What a great trip it was, and while I know the pastoral team was blessed to see the “Good,” I know that much […]
Holy Spirit in Poipet
By Randy Cook We have completed the week of “work” in Poipet – and were afforded the entire day of Saturday to rest and catch up on other things. What a blessing this past week has been in so many ways. I put “work” in quotes as it seems that so much of time we were (and are) […]