Author: Chapel Hill


By Dr. Scott Bevans We have spent the better part of this week seeing children at the Safe Haven School and the adults at the lay pastor training.  Picture the momentary pause before clinic starts when we gather in a circle and bow our heads.  Our ages vary greatly.  Some are dressed in scrubs, others […]

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Projects & Blessings

By Dan Griswold Yesterday was our first “project” work day with our partner – Cambodian Hope Organization (CHO).  What a blessing to see our team in action – diving into the tasks wholeheartedly! Here are a few blessings we saw yesterday: 256+ children at Safe Haven School for underprivileged children received vitamins, deworming medication, fluoride dental […]

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Why Cambodia?

By Pastor Greg Bullard Many people ask us (Chapel Hill), “Why are you traveling all across the world to Cambodia”? At times, this is just a curious question and at other times people just cannot understand why anyone would actually want to travel across the world to some foreign (overwhelmingly hot) location.  They will often […]

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Broadway in the jungle? Likay – Thai Christian Drama

We have safely returned from Latongku and are still reveling in the amazingness of the last several days. We are grateful to have experienced it together because it will be difficult to adequately express any of the different experiences in words. And yet, there is so much that we want to share! We decided to […]

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