As you notice specific ways your one person may need care, Chapel Hill has practical resources to support the community here. How do I find out more about the Christian faith? Alpha is a place to ask questions and explore faith. No commitment. No pressure. It’s a 10-week (give or take) series that includes food, […]
For the One
Our goal…our hope…is modest and attainable: that EVERY single believer who calls Chapel Hill Church “home” will devote themselves to praying for, being present with, and presenting a personal invitation to ONE unbelieving friend. JUST ONE. Are you willing to join in that journey? In that discipline? Of thinking beyond ourselves, our interests, our blessings…and resonating with the […]
Why a denomination matters
By Rev. Dr. Dean WeaverStated Clerk of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)Teaching Elder, Presbytery of the Alleghenies Denominations as we know them today were not a part of the early church, but the idea of Christians being “together in one accord” (seen in Acts 2 and 4) as well as the Council of Jerusalem (seen […]
Support Groups
We offer free support groups for adults going through difficult circumstances such as the death of a loved one, divorce, cancer treatment, healing from trauma, parenting children with mental health challenges, becoming a new mother, and young adults overcoming challenges. Each group has a unique schedule. Find out more by contacting the Care Office at 253.853.0291. […]
These are the distinctive values or qualities that define us as a Christian community. If any of these things were missing, we wouldn’t be Chapel Hill. We believe there are nine pieces of Chapel Hill’s DNA, split into three groups: head, heart, and hands. What we believe, how we behave, and what we do. HEAD […]
The Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper is one of two sacraments in our denomination, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC). The sacrament was instituted by Jesus on the night of his betrayal. It is to be celebrated until the end of the world as a perpetual remembrance of what he did for humanity on the cross. The Lord’s Supper […]
Baptism is a once-in-a-lifetime sign and seal of God’s covenant of grace, and it’s a significant moment in the life of every believer and their children. It’s one of two sacraments in our Christian denomination, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC). We baptize infants (believing that the grace of God is available to all, including those […]
War in Ukraine: how to connect and help
Our hearts are with Ukrainians, Russians, and many others in our own community who are traumatized by the war right now. Know that we at Chapel Hill are already deeply connected and sending support in multiple ways. In Eastern Europe Through our very own Doug Burleigh, we have been spreading news of Jesus in Ukraine, […]
These are Chapel Hill Church’s core beliefs on healing. God is sovereign. He heals his people by whatever means and in whatever time he chooses. (Mt. 8:1-3; Mk. 1:40-42) God alone is the source of all restoration and healing. Spiritual reality encapsulates every aspect of human life, affecting mind, body and soul. (Job, esp. chapter […]
In-person worship
SCHEDULE FOR IN-PERSON WORSHIP SERVICES: 3 Sunday Worship Services 8:30 am Pacific (classic) 10:00 am Pacific (modern) 11:30 am Pacific (modern) Services held in the church’s Sanctuary. Capacity limited for each in-person worship service. Worship in-person or online (10:00 am service rebroadcast at 11:30 am) on our website and YouTube. Plan your visit BEFORE YOU […]