I saw this story on Facebook the other day, and I wanted to share it: I was in Dollar Tree last night and there was a lady and two kids behind me in the long line. One was a big kid, one was a toddler. The bigger one had a pack of glow sticks and […]
Saturday in the Sanctuary
This weekend we will once again move our Saturday service to the Sanctuary for those who would like to have their Sunday morning free to watch the Seahawks crush the Panthers. It’s worth noting that every week, our Saturday service is identical to our 10:45 am service, so if you normally come to 10:45 but […]
Life on the Water
Summer has arrived! One of the best things about summer in Gig Harbor is the easy access to the water. As a family we love to go down to one of the beaches nearby and play in the water. And we’re even more blessed than those who own boats, because we have friends that own […]
The Kingdom Without The King
Last week I heard the story of an English pastor who arrived in LA to plant a church. During his first week, he went to a bar to try to get an idea of what local culture was like. While there he ended up chatting to a group of three he had never met before. […]
Away with the holy huddle!
In the last few weeks, I’ve had the chance to speak with several church leaders in the UK, and one comment that has stuck out to me is this: “In the opening scene of the movie Happy Feet, there is this shot of all the penguins huddled together. My fear is that this is what […]
How to Have Spiritual Conversations Naturally
Ever since we showed Curtis’ story of meeting me in Starbucks and beginning a journey that resulted in him coming to church, joining a LifeGroup and placing his faith in Jesus, I’ve had people ask me: “Ellis, could you teach on how you had those conversations with Curtis?” And starting on September 13, I’m going to be doing […]
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HOPE (253)
In a little over two weeks, on August 13, 20,000 people from across the (253) area code will be gathered in the Tacoma Dome to hear a message of Hope. Out of those 20,000 people, many will not be believers in Jesus, and many of them will make a decision that night to begin a […]
Generation to Generation
This week I have had the privilege of dressing up like a mad scientist, dancing and singing like a little kid, and presenting the good news about Jesus to more than 300 kids attending this year’s Day Camp: Maker Fun Factory. This weekend we’re excited to tell you more about how God has been at […]
The Joy Commission
“I feel like I’ve wasted my life. After what I’ve experienced this week, I can’t return to my life as it was.” This was what one of my team-mates said this week as they reflected on their time on the campus of ASU, sharing the good news of Jesus with students alongside campus ministries and RZIM. […]
Fearless Q – Write Back ‘Atcha on Science & the Bible
The Fearless Q series has come to an end with the question, “How do we reconcile science and the Bible?” Ellis White tackles a bunch of the follow up questions at length in his video response below. […]
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