
Luke 14

What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus does significant ministry around meals. Jesus challenges me to invite the lowly to my table and to take the lowest place.  What did I learn about disciple-making? There is a high cost to discipleship—likened to the cost of building or going to war (verses 28-33). Expect to learn/teach […]

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Projects & Blessings

By Dan Griswold Yesterday was our first “project” work day with our partner – Cambodian Hope Organization (CHO).  What a blessing to see our team in action – diving into the tasks wholeheartedly! Here are a few blessings we saw yesterday: 256+ children at Safe Haven School for underprivileged children received vitamins, deworming medication, fluoride dental […]

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Luke 13

What did I learn about Jesus? Sometimes when Jesus heals, it’s really a “setting free” work that He does (verse 12). Jesus answers the concern I hear so often as, “I can’t believe in a God who only lets some people into heaven.” Read verses 23-30.  What did I learn about disciple-making? The message to […]

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Why Cambodia?

By Pastor Greg Bullard Many people ask us (Chapel Hill), “Why are you traveling all across the world to Cambodia”? At times, this is just a curious question and at other times people just cannot understand why anyone would actually want to travel across the world to some foreign (overwhelmingly hot) location.  They will often […]

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Luke 12

What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus was not afraid of a “hell, fire and brimstone” sermon (verses 1-10). Jesus also addresses our desire for more things and our worry (and they seem to go hand-in-hand—note the “therefore” in verse 22)—powerful messages for today (verses 13-34). What did I learn about disciple-making? Our confidence in […]

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Luke 11

What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus taught his disciples the basics of how to pray (verses 2-4). Jesus has harsh words for religious people who do everything on the outside right, morally and to the letter of the law but who don’t do acts of love, particularly “be generous to the poor” (verses 39-54). […]

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