What did I learn about Jesus? I got an insight into his prayer life in his praise of the Father in verse 21. Jesus spent time in this disciples’ homes, and he knew and loved them well even when he is correcting them (verses 38-42). What did I learn about disciple-making? Many disciple-makers are needed […]
Would you like to save your church some money?
A growing percentage of our Chapel Hill family is choosing to make their contributions electronically. I understand; Cyndi and I do an automatic bank draft from my paycheck to ensure that our tithe is really a “first fruit” gift. In order to accommodate this trend and, frankly, to do so more economically and efficiently, we […]
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Luke 9
What did I learn about Jesus? Peter declares Jesus, “God’s Messiah.” (NIV, verse 20) Jesus knew his work on earth would include his suffering, death and resurrection. (verse 22, 44) What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus wasn’t afraid to send his disciples out unprepared! (verses 1-6) Jesus knows our work as disciple-makers will include […]
Luke 8
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus discipled many women of diverse backgrounds—formerly demon- possessed, wealthy, and even King Herod’s manager’s wife! (verses 1-3) Jesus is God the Creator with power over nature. (verses 22-25) What did I learn about disciple-making? Expect your faith to be tested when you’re following Jesus. (verses 22-25) Sometimes lessons […]
Luke 6
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus egged on the Pharisees to direct them to the truth. His words to the “haves” continue to speak to us here in Gig Harbor. What did I learn about disciple-making? We must discern in hearts by our actions; what do we speak? To be a disciple of Christ I […]
Luke 7
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus had time for people—all kinds of people in just this one chapter. Whose story do you most resonate with? The servant or the centurion? The widow or the dead boy? The messengers of John or the sick? The sinful woman or the dinner attenders? Jesus has time for […]
Cambodia Departure
Chapel Hill parking lot send-off, and a group photo at the airport. Our team is ready to go – please keep them in your thoughts and prayers for their safe arrival. […]
Luke 5
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus clearly identified those who he called as leaders, and he focused first on them. He understood the importance of solitude and prayer and sought it out. What did I learn about disciple-making? We must evaluate our lives and ask how we are aligned to the mission of Jesus… […]
Luke 4
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus memorized Scripture to resist temptation. What did I learn about disciple-making? Temptation can be used by God to prepare us for deeper ministry. God’s work is done with or without us, will we be a part of his mission to his world? Extended thoughts and observations from […]
Luke 3
What did I learn about Jesus? He had the total support and affirmation of the Father and the Spirit. What did I learn about disciple-making? We must prepare our hearts and humbly bear the fruits of a changed life. We never simply “wait,” but all waiting is a preparation for action. Extended thoughts and […]