What did I learn about Jesus? He was willing to lower himself for us. He came to save us from sin, not just hardship and illness. What did I learn about disciple-making? Christ’s way, and thus my way, is to be self-sacrificial and willing to be humbled. Extended thoughts and observations from Pastor Mark: […]
Luke 2
Luke 1
What did I learn about Jesus? The people he works through make themselves available as servants. What did I learn about disciple-making? Trust God to do the impossible! Extended thoughts and observations from Pastor Mark: Notice in verses 1 through 4 that this is a work of careful historical research. We believe that the Holy Spirit […]
Mark 16
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus rose again from the dead. Jesus offers us the same new life that He has. What did I learn about disciple-making? The first people to tell the good news that Jesus was alive were women. The call to disciple-making is not a call to men only, despite Jesus […]
Cambodia 2015 Leaves Next Week
Pray as the team prepares to leave. […]
Mark 15
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus was alone and deserted on the cross. If we ever feel lonely, we can know that Jesus has experienced loneliness too. What did I learn about disciple-making? Through his death on the cross Jesus reconciled his disciples to God, so that even when he left, God could still […]
Mark 14
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus prayed to his Father to remove this burden from him but then prayed: ‘Yet not what I will, but what you will.’ We are allowed to ask God for things that we want in prayer, but we must remember that whatever God’s response we are called to do […]
Mark 13
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus will come again, not as a sacrificial Lamb, but as a conquering Lord. We can rest assured that no matter what happens, in the end, Jesus wins. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus tell his disciples to stand firm, be on […]
Mark 12
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus taught that the two greatest commandments were to love God and love our neighbor. We are called to do this, which seems so simple, but yet is so difficult. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus taught his disciples that the rich people give out of their abundance […]
Pastor Mark as Prophet
Right now, as you read this, I am in a little village outside of Tijuana, Mexico. On Monday, we hand-mixed and poured a concrete slab 11 feet by 22 feet by 4 inches deep… that’s a lot of hand-mixed concrete! Tuesday, we framed up walls and roof sections and nailed them together, being careful not […]
Mark 11
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus entered Jerusalem being proclaimed as the coming King, but days later the same crowd would call for his crucifixion. We are called to stand for Jesus whether we are surrounded by those who agree or those who hate him. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus showed the […]