I haven’t taken the chance to say anything about the Super Bowl since my return from Israel. In spite of the fact that the game started at 1:30am,, many of us did watch. We could actually get the game on the hotel TV in Jerusalem… with Israeli commentary! Like so many, the topic the next morning was, […]
Mark 10
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. As a result of Jesus’sacrifice, we can enter the kingdom of God—for what is impossible with man is possible with God. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus taught his […]
Mark 9
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus knows that he is going to be killed and rise again. If Jesus could predict his own death and resurrection and then fulfill it, we can trust him with our death and future resurrection in his Kingdom. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus took only three of […]
Mark 8
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus knew that his calling involved suffering. We are also called to suffer—to die daily to ourselves and follow Jesus. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus waited until the disciples knew who he was—the Christ, God’s only chosen King—before explaining what that meant for his mission—suffering and death—and […]
Mark 7
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus defended righteousness in the face of the religious; he taught that the word of God is far more important than the word of tradition. We are called to place the word of God before tradition—whether that is traditional cultural values, or new cultural values—in our actions. What did […]
Mark 6
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus was rejected by those in his hometown. Our own family and friends may choose to reject us because we have chosen to follow Jesus. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus sent out his disciples two by two even when they were still young in their faith, yet […]
Mark 5
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus is willing to be interrupted, even when under pressure, to stop and heal a woman and listen to her story. We must be willing to be interruptible, recognizing that God often places people in our path not to distract us, but because he wants us to love on […]
Mark 4
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus commanded people to “Listen!” We need to take the time to really listen to what people are saying and not just assume that we already know. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus had a core group of disciples who he poured into. We need to be a […]
Sitting at the Feet of the Master
Today if you were following along with us in the 90 Day Challenge, you read Mark 4. That chapter contains about 886 words in the ESV Bible. Wikipedia tells me (and I’m sure it’s 100% accurate) that the average person can read between 250-300 words per minute. If you do the math, then most of […]
Back from Thailand!
We have been back from Thailand and Burma for a little over a week. Re-entry is always an interesting phenomenon – jet lag, unpacking, laundry, and the realization that my normal life did not go on hold while I was away. And then there’s always the realization that I am not the same person that […]