What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus cares deeply about true rest and restoration—true Sabbath—for his people and doesn’t want legalism to get in the way. We need to take time to truly rest—to take a Sabbath—and spend time with Jesus. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus called his disciples to BE WITH him […]
Mark 3
Mark 1
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus took the time to be alone with his Father despite pressure from the crowds. We need to carve out time in our busy lives to be alone with our heavenly Father. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus called his disciples to follow him, telling them that he […]
Mark 2
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus forgave the paralytic’s sins when he saw the faith of his friends. We are called to come around our friends who are in tough circumstances and have faith to bring them to Jesus, both in our words and deeds to them, so that Jesus might heal them. What […]
Matthew 28
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus raised from the dead! Jesus appeared to his friends, assured them of his authority, and gave them a final command to “make disciples of all nations” (verse 19). What did I learn about disciple-making? Disciple-making was Jesus’ final instruction to his disciples. Following Jesus means following the risen […]
Matthew 27
What did I learn about Jesus? He died a gruesome death at the hands of his own people. He remains silent before those who would accuse him. What did I learn about disciple-making? Following Jesus means following the man who was God who died on cross. Extended thoughts and observations from a few folks: (Elder, […]
Matthew 25
What did I learn about Jesus? He made a promise to return, and to return in judgment (verses 13,31-32). Jesus knows and welcomes into his kingdom those who are prepared (verses 1-13), invest of what he has given (verses 27-29), and do works of mercy for the “least of these” (verses 34-40). What did I […]
Matthew 26
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus struggled sorrowfully with what was to come (verse 38). Jesus knew so much what was to come, and willingly fulfilled it anyway, as in his own crucifixion (verse 2) and Judas’ betrayal (verse 25). He did it all “for the forgiveness of sins” (verse 28). What an astounding […]
Do You Hate Blue Cards? 
When I was in seminary, one of my professors had us read Ezekiel 34 as a potent warning of the responsibility of ministry. If you’re not familiar with that passage of Scripture, God, through the prophet Ezekiel, decries the so-called “shepherds” of Israel, who were not really shepherds at all. A sample: “Ah, shepherds of […]
Matthew 24
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus knew what to look for in the Day of the Lord. Jesus wants us to pay attention to the “signs of the times.” What did I learn about disciple-making? There is still a lot I don’t understand. Our job is to be on alert for Jesus’ (the Son […]
Matthew 23
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus saved his most cutting words for the religious leaders. Jesus cares deeply that we do acts of justice, mercy and faithfulness. What did I learn about disciple-making? The disciple-maker needs to be more imitatable by what he/she does than what he/she says. No disciple is greater than another. […]