What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus insists on his own self-care. Jesus commends the risk-taking Peter, even when he fails. What did I learn about disciple-making? Bring Jesus what you have—he will multiply it (verses 19-20). Respond to Jesus’ invitation to, “Come” (verse 29). Extended thoughts and observations: Again, I offer my thoughts […]
Matthew 13
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus uses parables—stories about ordinary things everyone would have been familiar with—to explain what the Kingdom of God is like. Jesus was rejected by his hometown. What did I learn about disciple-making? Disciple-makers gather to hear the teachings of Jesus. Followers of Jesus keep asking for explanations. Extended […]
Broadway in the jungle? Likay – Thai Christian Drama
We have safely returned from Latongku and are still reveling in the amazingness of the last several days. We are grateful to have experienced it together because it will be difficult to adequately express any of the different experiences in words. And yet, there is so much that we want to share! We decided to […]
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Out in the Jungle
Here’s my highlight: One of the highlights for me from the last few days was joining in the celebration and events surrounding the dedication of the Latongku Health Center. It was incredible to see the Lord bring things that were once far fetched visions to reality. Allan Eubank was called to the Talakone in the […]
Matthew 12
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus reiterates that he is divine (verse 8). Jesus was a student of the Word (which speaks to importance of OUR studying and memorizing the Word). What did I learn about disciple-making? Again, our genuineness as disciples is clearly evidenced by the fruit of our lives. When you follow […]
Reflections from the Latongku Medical Clinic
As I tried to prepare for the medical aspects of this trip, I found it difficult to get a handle on reliable information on basic healthcare and health statistics in the Karen people along the Thai/Burmese border where we have been traveling. It quickly became evident in talking with the many different medical assets on […]
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Matthew 11
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus shares a strong identity with the Father (verse 27). Jesus faced opposition (verses 20-24). What did I learn about disciple-making? The comfort for our doubts is the surety of who Jesus is evidenced in the life he lived (verse 1-19). Disciple-making is an invitation to rest and labor […]
You aren’t as relational as you think you are!
A team of us went to a disciple-making conference back in October. Frankly, we were prepared. We had read all the materials, we were “talkin’ the talk,” we were committed to disciple-making as our way forward as a congregation. So, one morning, our co-facilitator said, “We’ve decided to throw away the script. You guys understand […]
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Matthew 10
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus passed on his authority to heal and teach to his followers. Jesus sent his followers to face persecution without fear. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus promised that the road would not be easy for disciple-makers; there would be persecution and hatred directed at his followers (verses […]
Meeting a Celebrity!
Our Thailand/Burma Vision Team continues their journey! In the last few days they have gone to visit the medical clinic in Latonku and met with Eilya, the co-founder of the Free Burma Rangers. They commented that it was, “like meeting a celebrity!”. All are well and they continue to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance to […]