
Matthew 8

What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus has the power to heal—physical and spiritual (see esp. verse 16). Jesus has power over nature (verse 26). Jesus was a “going” God…he “goed” (went) and He bids us to go in faith and obedience. Where do I go today at His bidding? What did I learn about disciple-making? […]

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Matthew 7

What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus spoke with authority—the authority to teach and to judge. Jesus does not want fans… fawning admirers… He wants followers. What did I learn about disciple-making? Again, whether or not someone is a disciple can be seen by their fruit.    Extended thoughts and observations: This is an embarrassment […]

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Matthew 6

What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus had a lot to say about praying, fasting, money, and anxiety. What did I learn about disciple-making? Disciple-making requires a loyalty to serve God rather than money. Jesus expects us to give, pray, and fast.    Extended thoughts and observations: Jesus expects us to give, pray, fast… that’s […]

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Matthew 5

What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus taught about sin and the law as deep issues of the heart. Jesus says unexpected things, like “Blessed are those who mourn.” What did I learn about disciple-making? Disciples sit at Jesus’ feet and learn from him. Jesus intends his disciples to follow him in a public way. […]

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Matthew 4

What did I learn about Jesus? Before Jesus began his ministry he defeated Satan using God’s Word. Jesus’ first message was, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”   What did I learn about disciple-making? To follow Jesus we need to learn the Word. Disciples immediately respond to the call of Jesus to […]

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Someday, I really ought to get to that…

I don’t know how many times over my ministry I’ve heard people say, “Someday, I really ought to start reading the Bible.” They know that a disciple cannot grow without understanding God’s word. They know that time spent every day in the scripture and in prayer has been proven, scientifically, to produce all kinds of physical, emotional […]

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Matthew 3

What did I learn about Jesus? God called Jesus his “beloved Son” when he was baptized by John the Baptist. Jesus has “fulfilled all righteousness.”  What did I learn about disciple-making? Repentance was the first step to being baptized. God is looking for his followers to produce “good fruit.”   Extended thoughts and observations: Today […]

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