Sunday, November 23, will be “Covenant Sunday” at Chapel Hill, the conclusion of a month during which we have focused with laser-like intensity on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. We’ve journaled our way through the “Sermon on the Mount,” asking the question, “What does Jesus call me to do as his […]
Chainsaw, anyone?
I have a great mother-in-law. None of the standard jokes apply. And one of the things I most admire is Peg’s desire to bring her family together. At her instigation—and frankly, on her dime—we have regular gatherings of family for the purpose of reconnecting, catching up, playing and celebrating life. This weekend is that at Chapel Hill. For the first […]
Why would you go to a family reunion?
The first time I really remember meeting my cousins that live up in this part of the country was at a Family Reunion at Lake Powell. We bought our first family minivan for the cross-country trip from Tennessee to the West. We had funny blue t-shirts that all matched. My cousins taught me how to […]
Not just about old, dead, Scottish white guys…
I still remember the summer day in 1984 that I drove my rental car into the little town of St. Andrews, Scotland, parked on North Street, and began to explore the place that would play such an important part in my life. I returned the following year to begin a lifelong love affair with the […]
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Thank you from Pastors Larry & Megan!
Three weeks ago you as members of Chapel Hill confirmed that we, Larry & Megan, are called to serve you by casting your votes for us to be your associate pastors. This past week the members of the Presbytery—the regional body of elders—also voted to confirm this call. Our hearts are full of gratitude. Thank […]
Follow Your Heart
For some people I know, “Follow Your Heart,” is something like a life mission statement. They’ve had too much of being told that you need to think things through, or being told what others think you should do, or feeling like you need to make others happy with your decisions. And so they come to […]
The Power of the Table
SavvIt was a very unusual Sunday morning for Cyndi and me. We were staying with a pastor friend in a Brooklyn brownstone that looked like it came right out of the Cosby show. Parking is a nightmare so everyone walks everywhere, including to church. We set out on Sunday morning for the ten block march […]
Disciple-Making Next Steps
Conversations around the church these last two weeks sound like people excited about connecting. Connection has been happening on Wednesday nights at The Table as people meet and are challenged to discuss how Sunday morning’s call to imitate Christ gets traction in our own life. Connection has been happening as our new pastor, Pastor Bill, […]
We are hiring the Hackmans… again!
Two years ago the Session, after a nationwide search, hired Larry and Megan Hackman as Assistant Pastors for Chapel Hill. They represented all kinds of “firsts” for us: the first graduates from Gordon Conwell Seminary, the first woman pastor on our staff, our first clergy couple and, in fact, the first clergy couple in the […]
Evening Worship at Chapel Hill
If you didn’t hear my sermon last Sunday, I urge you to do so. It sets the stage for all we are going to be doing in the weeks, months and even years to come. (Sermon) In sum, I spoke of my deepening sense of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus…and invited you […]