It was wonderful…and very surprising…sabbatical this summer. As I stood on my very first Paris Metro ride, heading for our hotel, I noticed a woman looking intently at me and then nodding her head toward the man next to me. I suddenly realized that he was trying to pick my pocket and she was warning […]
Hidden with Christ
This past week we took a few moments during a staff meeting to share if there were any Scriptures through which God had been speaking to us. It was an encouragement to me to hear what some of our staff have been dwelling on—what God is doing in people’s hearts through his Word. It was […]
Provoked to Study
Ellis and Larry shared their reading lists with us recently. I felt a bit insecure sharing and preparing my own for 2 reasons: 1) I’m reading many of the books they’re reading; and 2) the ones that differ are controversial and provocative books helping me clarify my own understanding of some critical theological concerns within […]
Up, In, Out
We describe our call as a church in 3 directions: UP, IN, and OUT. Each direction represents a relationship and an action. We live UP as a community of worship in relationship with God. We live IN as a community of discipleship in relationship with one another. And we live OUT as a community of […]
A Self-Confessed Bibliophile
I love books. My first job was for a bookshop. In fact, my wife and I (before we were married) spent five weeks one summer working for the bookshop at two of the biggest Christian festivals in the UK. This might sound great, until you realize that it required us to spend the whole time […]
A Reading People
It’s no coincidence that the rise of Protestantism coincided with the invention of the printing press. The availability of literature (particularly the Bible) caused an explosion of learning that led to a reevaluation of how we do church. Throughout the years, Christians have established that we are people of The Book, and literacy and learning […]
Water draws many people to the Puget Sound every summer. Water both delights us in sport and beauty and can be terrifying in its depth and infiniteness. And God chose the water of baptism as a salvation image. We have experienced an overflow of water in every way here at Chapel Hill—in the beauty of […]
A Great Listener
“The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the LORD has made them both.” (Proverbs 20:12 ESV) When Megan and I first interviewed at Chapel Hill, one of the things we did was sit down with Pastor John Thomas and got to know him a little. At the time I had no idea what his role […]
How did you end up becoming a part of a church for the first time?
I went to church as a child, but for most of my teenage years, church didn’t figure in my life. I had a faith in Jesus… of sorts. It mostly consisted of praying to ask for forgiveness for all the wrong things I had done that day, even though I knew I would do most […]
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A Busy Pace
Well, Pastor Mark left for his sabbatical on Monday, and as you can imagine the staff are now all lounging around in the church offices, sipping mai tai’s and watching what’s left of the World Cup. Not quite. Actually, as I sat in meetings with staff yesterday I asked folks whether they thought the pace […]