The Guatemala GO-team met in the mornings before breakfast to share God’s word. We found the devotional time to be rich in grounding the team for the day and essential in guiding our actions. The focus of each day was perfect for us. Our devotion time began with Praise Songs and group prayer. Saturday, April 5: Phil […]
The Condemned’s Last Meal
Two years ago I heard the news of the death of Michael Clarke Duncan, the mountain of a man who played John Coffey, the strangely-gifted convict on death row in the superb movie, The Green Mile. That idea of “Death Row”—a gathering place of the condemned, the Green Mile, the last stretch of green linoleum leading to […]
Palm Sunday in Antigua
Sunday, April 13, 2014 Just a quick note to let you know that all is well for the team. Antigua celebrations for Palm Sunday have been colorful with 5 hour parade routes through the city streets by a variety of churches. The colorful street carpets are everywhere, then destroyed as the parade walks through them. Moriah even […]
Church, Bibles & a Big Celebration!
Friday, April 11, 2014 This day began with a strong sense of anticipation. The outdoor church service will happen today. Moriah’s devotion of Ephesians 1:2-4 prepared us for the day. 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus […]
Nah, angel. I think I’ll pass…
As we approach Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week, I want to jump ahead to Easter for a moment. When Mary and the other women showed up at the empty tomb, they were met by an angel who announced that Jesus was alive. Then he said, “…go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has […]
Humble Service
Thursday, April 10, 2014 Another gorgeous day beginning with a time of devotion at 6:30 am. The chapel at our hotel serves as a perfect place for our morning study. Today, Gabor lead us in Romans 12:3-8 Humble Service in the Body of Christ3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of […]
Seeing the Face of Jesus
The Team is experiencing the mighty hand of God each day. Our highlights of the day began with working alongside Felipe in his field of cabbages. The team piled into the pick-up trucks to reach the entrance to the field which to our amazement was about a 100 foot drop below the road. A gingerly scamper […]
Back to School
Group devotions begin our day at 6:30 am. We are thankful for this time of preparation and learning and sharing together as a team. We are loving on each other as we grow together. Today was our play day with the school children. Many team members shared that the highlight of the day was seeing the children […]
Good to See Old Friends
Today was our first day in Villa Hortencia I. It was fun to see our old friends and watch the first timers experience the villagers. We spent the day praying for families. Some of the highs voiced by the team: playing with the kids; being received so graciously by the leaders of the village; being welcomed into the […]
The Market at Chichi and Travel to Nebaj
Sunday, April 6, 2014 Today we spent the morning in Chichicastenango. The highlights were, of course in the market where we haggled with the vendors. Everyone felt successful in their negotiations. No doubt those satisfied included the vendors who unquestionably have dealt with the likes of us before. The people in Chichi are nice, gentle […]