Saturday, April 5, 2014 The team has settled in to the Santo Tomas Hotel in Chichicastenango following a “smooth” 4hr. drive.God blessed us with sunny sky and pleasant temperatures, happy conversations, and sharing of stories. We witnessed a passion parade of pageantry and emotions. The youth of Chichi were dressed in their finest clothing, some […]
Taking to the Skies
Friday, April 4, 2014 The team travel day went very well. A cheery group left Chapel Hill at 3:00 AM. Thank you to Kevin for the surprise send off and to Dave Martin and Pete Filipiuk for delivering us safely to SEATAC. Nancy Melendez Leon met us at the airport in Guatemala City with hugs and […]
Blue Collar God
What would your answer be to this question: “When do you worship God during the week?” Perhaps you would reply, “On Sunday mornings with my Chapel Hill family.” Maybe it would be, “When I gather weekly with my LifeGroup around scripture and prayer.” Hopefully it would include, “When I meet God alone every morning, starting […]
Guatemala Go Team 2014
Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together”, Ps: 34:8 April 2014 Guatemala GO Team: Team members are: Moriah Anderson, Barb Martin, Rachel Klade, Gabor Klade, Phil DeVault, Gail Hall, Loire Klade, Ruthie Cravens, Gerry Cravens, Stephanie Filipiuk. Front row: Amy Miller, Steve Groat, Lynn Groat, Austin Groat. The team will leave for Villa […]
Are You Artsy and Can You Help?
Next January when I lead my tenth group to Israel, we will visit two of my favorite and most beautiful sites. Mt. Tabor, the traditional site of the transfiguration of Jesus, features an exquisite mosaic of the Lamb of God slain for the sins of the world. We will stand under the arch of that […]
Looking Godly vs Being Godly
I’m blessed! I guess there are a lot of reasons why I feel that way but I guess the reason I’m thinking of now is because of you. You are rare as far as congregations go. You want your REAL lives to be different. If given the choice between looking Godly and BEING Godly you […]
Miscellany is a collection of various matters. This E-Bulletin is a miscellany… and they are all important! Josh McDowell was influential in my young life. As a college student, I devoured his book, “Evidence That Demands a Verdict,” equipping myself to better defend the reliability and the authority of the Bible. And his small book, “More […]
For Burma, for the Kingdom
The Sunday Larry and I interviewed at Chapel Hill we met Dave Eubank. I remember thinking Dave looked like he’d come in directly from a hike in the mountains and immediately self-identified that I would not be able to keep up with this man on a hike. The lasting impression however was not of a […]
Go to the Movies!
Go to the Movies! I don’t often make movies recommendations, but I will today. This Friday, Son of God will open at our local Galaxy Theatre and across the country. This movie is produced by Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, committed Christians who recently produced the blockbuster TV series, The Bible. My understanding is that […]
Happy Weekend!
The building may have been closed this past week, but I hope you had some quality time with God in his Word this week. We are currently in the middle of a Luke class on Wednesday nights. I want to share with you some reflections from one of the members of the class on Luke […]