
To see past life’s distractions, pray together

Short people learn to leap over obstacles. Being short all my life (climbing cabinets, projecting my voice and my personality, lifting heavy stuff both literal and figurative), I can attest with Zacchaeus: obstacles are made to be overcome! In our passage from Luke last week, Zacchaeus was seeking to see Jesus, and once Jesus saw […]

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But Lord, what am I do to about it?

Have you ever wondered what it takes to spark a spiritual awakening in a nation lost in darkness? Picture an era where indulgence and extravagance ruled the day, where people lived for the moment without a thought for eternity. Perhaps the following quote may describe what you are thinking of:  “In cities… parties, fashion shows, […]

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Our community of faith is built around the idea of participating fully in God’s mission to be known, to draw humanity to himself, and to restore all of creation under his care and rule. As we participate, we EXALT Jesus Christ, ELEVATE others to become all God intends for them, and LAUNCH disciple-makers to be […]

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