Sunday morning Wow what an amazing God filled day! We drove out to a village on a long muddy road. One van got stuck deep in the mud. After a good bit of sliding and with the help of eight Cambodians we were freed. This village church meets under a lean two shelter attached to […]
Cambodia Day 4 – Family Reunion
Saturday mornng After breakfast, we were greeted in the hotel lobby by Reatrey – Vice Director at CHO. He brought the pickup to help transport the team (and all of our luggage) to Poipet. It was a long drive with a stop in Battambang to have lunch with Hor and Sophal, two CHO board members. […]
Cambodia Day 3 –
We started off the morning at a coffee shop in Phnom Penh with Stephen Himley from Medical Teams International. Stephen completed a preliminary health assessment for CHO last year and we wanted to pick his brain to get a better understanding of health care in Cambodia. After our coffee date, we split into two groups. […]
Thailand – Day 8
We had another evening with the hostel kids. Lots of fun activities and growing friendships. During the day, a medical clinic was set up for people of the village. Several pregnant women came by for ultrasounds. The dental clinic continued to work in kids from the hostel. The need is great for more care […]
Cambodia Day 2 – Heavy Hearts
Thursday, September 12 Today the team visited the genocide museum that Pol Pot and his regime used to detain, interrogate and murder the Cambodian people. It was originally a school which was converted into a torture prison and processing center before detainees were sent to the Killing Fields. It is horrific that a place of […]
It’s All the Men’s Fault!
I know it’s controversial, but I’m going to say it: most every major societal problem rests at the feet of men. It is empirically true. By far, the majority of crime, violence and unrest is caused by men. Over the past 50 years, our culture of sameness has so diminished the uniqueness of the two […]
Thailand – Day 6
I am writing this in the middle of day 6. We are preparing to meet the 57 kids in the Bueng Klueng hostel tonight. We met with the medics and heard some of their stories. Medical and dental supplies have been set out and organized and ativities, teaching and games are being planned for kids. […]
Thailand – Day 7
Last night (day 7, I think) we had the first opportunity to meet the 57 kids in the hostel, ranging from age 6 to 15. They live and eat together and attend school in town. They come from a variety of places (directly from Burma, a refugee camp in Thailand or other village in Thailand). They […]
Stakeholder Meeting Update
Hello Chapel Hill! Just a short update to let you know that if you missed the Stakeholder meeting regarding Student Ministries last night, the audio is now available online. Click here to listen in your browser and here to download the mp3. […]
Thailand – Day 4 & 5
This is a combined report covering a few days. After breakfast and team meeting, we packed into the trucks again for our trip to the village of Laytonku (about 2,000 people live in that area). Allan Eubank was called to this village in 1962, and he and his children continue to have a special place […]