The Session is proposing changes to the Chapel Hill Church bylaws. These links provide a summary of the changes to the Chapel Hill Church bylaws and a complete document showing all changes. Summary of Proposed Bylaws Changes Chapel Hill Bylaws as Amended […]
The greatest gift in today’s world
“I feel like I’m having a conversation here with two people!” she said. I was doing it again. Sending a text message to a friend when my wife was talking to me. Been there? In today’s world, one of the greatest gifts we can give other people is our undivided attention. The apps on your […]
How to impact tomorrow’s disciples today
Last week, we celebrated my daughter’s 11th birthday. Of course, I am dealing with all those parental emotions of grief over how quickly time flies by, as well as pride watching her grow into this young lady who is so full of life. At her family party, I found myself overcome by gratitude by the […]
Kitsap House is off and running!
I was surprised at how emotional I felt all morning. From the moment I walked in and saw the incredible venue – (a gym with huge cartoon bulls painted on the walls, filled with church “stuff”)—to the warmth of the greetings, to the flood of people walking through the doors…I was a little “verklempt” (a […]
What happens when they walk out that door?
One of the hardest moments in a parent’s life is the day their graduate walks out their door and heads into a future apart from the love, care, wisdom, and, yes, scrutiny, they received while living at home. In that moment, every parent understands what is at stake. All they have poured into their child…and […]
Our daughter is launched!
I still remember clearly the day almost 13 years ago when we drove our firstborn, Rachel, over to Whitworth College (it was “College,” not “University,” at that time) to begin her post-Gig Harbor life. And I remember vividly the moment when all parents were told, “OK, it’s time to leave. Say your goodbyes…and go. They […]
How to finish well
Last week, I got to do something that I have never done before: I took a week off work entirely devoted to study. One of the requirements and, indeed, gifts of being a pastor in our denomination is to take time away from ministerial responsibilities to engage in ongoing learning. This meant doing something I […]
How to build living faith in the next generation
In a sermon a couple of weeks ago, Pastor Mark challenged us to think about what it would take for us as a congregation to see that the next generation of kids and teenagers would become authentic followers of Jesus by the time they graduated from high school. I believe we all can agree that […]
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New year, new goals
What are your hopes and plans for 2023? For me, I’ve been dreaming about gardening, growth, and gratitude! As we head into the new year, I’d like to be more intentional with my planting (color-schemed beds this year!), my faith (increasing my unwavering confidence in God’s sovereignty) and my attitude (staying focused on the good). […]
Sorry…no star!
Only Matthew tells the story of the magi—the “three kings”—who journeyed to worship baby Jesus. Of course, we don’t know if there were three (we assume so because of the three gifts). And they weren’t really “kings” (but they were apparently wealthy, judging by the swag they offered to the Holy Family.) They were “magi”— astrologers […]