Recently, someone introduced my kids to an updated version of “slug bug,” replacing VW Bugs with Teslas. Unfortunately, our community is significantly affluent that this results in one of them hitting the other every 30 seconds. So, I decided to change the game. Instead of hitting each other when they see a Tesla, I invited […]
Why dwell upon death?
One of the biggest differences between my homeland, the UK, and the US is where people are buried. In the UK, graves are primarily located around the exterior of churches, rather than exclusively in designated cemeteries, like in the US. On our recent trip, our kids were fascinated with these church graveyards. They loved to […]
Remembering friends of Chapel Hill
As part of St Andrews Sunday 2022, we remember those who died in the past 12 months who were not members of Chapel Hill Church, but had connections to our congregation. Glen Forest Hutchison November 18, 2021 Quinn (Eldon) Farnes December 2, 2021 Lynn Peixotto December 14, 2021 Melinda Grace Wagner January 21, 2022 Luke […]
Invite your one!
This is the way. I am your father. May the force be with you. Star Wars has been a focus in our house recently! Have you ever noticed how weirdly similar these phrases are to things we say in church?! Jesus is the way, Our Father, The Lord be with you… To someone unfamiliar with […]
Is God speaking to you?
While in the UK this summer I visited the Isle of Iona, where Saint Columba and his band of monks landed in the 6th-century and proceeded to set up a monastery from which they not only evangelized Scotland but also carried on the monastic tradition of copying and illuminating biblical manuscripts. The most famous of […]
Nominating Committee
The Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 23, at 10:00 am (or directly after the 9:00 am worship service) in the Sanctuary. Diana Wimber (1-year term) I was born & raised in Northern California, and moved to Gig Harbor in January, 2003. My late husband Paul and I joined Chapel Hill within a […]
Seeing miracles up close
I met six-month-old Aurora in the men’s prison last week. She’s a fluffy white doodle training to be a Diabetic Service Dog. We watched her detect the scent of hypoglycemia off her trainer…a man who has been incarcerated for many years. Learning to alert her master before he loses consciousness is a skill that could […]
LifeGroup Questions
LifeGroup questions are now located here. The most recent discussion questions based on the weekly scripture and sermon are posted here when they become available. Got questions? Connect with Pastor Rachel White. Week of November 3, 2024 Read Jeremiah 29:4-7 Week of October 27, 2024 Read Joshua 3-4 […]
Accountability in action
Presbyterian. Perhaps the most misspelled and least understood of denominational names. I’ve mentioned this before, but if you were to choose a recognizable, intuitive, trendy name for a church, “Presbyterian” would likely not make the short list. Although we may not LEAD with “Presbyterian,” your “Session” (the board of elders—another inscrutable word!) has chosen to […]
How to make your voice heard
Of the many things I have reflected upon since the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the thing that has struck me most is that she kept quiet more often than not. Undoubtedly, she had an opinion on many things, whether political policies, climate change, or even her personal opinions about others. Yet, she refrained from […]