Last Sunday Cyndi and I went to a BBQ that was held to say farewell to John Roberts, one of our dear and faithful volunteers, who is relocating to the land of Micky Mouse and alligators. The host family has a large putting green in their backyard with five holes. Tim, the homeowner, told us […]
How high can you climb?
Continuing the theme of yardwork from my last blog, this Monday was rhody and tree-trimming time. At one point, I was on a step ladder…with an 18-foot extension lopper…taking off branches that intrude over my roof. I mentioned this to a friend, who is about my age, who also still climbs ladders. He told me […]
Leafy and lifeless
It just kept getting lower and lower. We had an apple tree that I could see out our kitchen window. But I noticed its branches seemed to be getting lower and lower. I was surprised that it seemed to be sprouting so many new, leafy branches because, frankly, it is an awful tree. It produced […]
Roe vs. Wade
I confess, I never thought I’d see the day. Nearly 50 years ago, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the right to have an abortion was constitutionally protected. That the unborn had no rights…or few rights. And since that day, 62 million little lives have been taken. 62 million! It is a […]
I wish you could have been there
Twelve of us were gathered last week at Ward EPC Church in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan for our General Assembly, the annual national gathering of our denomination. In the opening worship service, our own Julie Hawkins preached (magnificently), the first EPC woman pastor to preach to the Assembly in person. Ever. Then our own […]
A life worth imitating
Fred Rogers, better known as Mister Rogers from the famed children’s TV show Mister Roger’s Neighborhood, received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Emmys in 1997. In his recipient speech, he used his time in a way no one else had before. “All of us have special ones who have loved us into being,” he […]
What a day!
I’m not sure which was my favorite moment of last Sunday’s 10th-anniversary celebration marking our entry into the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Possibly when Carolyn Small, our last remaining charter member, stood up (surrounded by her family) to receive our acknowledgment. Or Pastor Jeremy Vaccaro’s (naughty) video. Maybe it was when more than half of the […]
One service…10:00…one service…10:00…one service 10:00…
This Sunday, we will have only one service at 10:00 am. (Did I mention that earlier?) This is one of those Sundays when we want to remember—and celebrate—the fact that we are part of a larger church family. If we typically worship at our classic service, we have brothers and sisters, large and small, that […]
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Why a denomination matters
By Rev. Dr. Dean WeaverStated Clerk of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)Teaching Elder, Presbytery of the Alleghenies Denominations as we know them today were not a part of the early church, but the idea of Christians being “together in one accord” (seen in Acts 2 and 4) as well as the Council of Jerusalem (seen […]
Pick just one
September 13 will mark my 35th year anniversary as your pastor. You can’t do anything for 35 years and not have some difficult moments, and we have. But for me, they are completely overshadowed by the joy and privilege of being part of a body that, I believe, God has used in significant ways to […]