
Big news, Chapel Hill!

In consultation with the Session, we’ve decided that starting Sunday, January 9, our classic worship service will be at 9:00 am and our modern worship service will be at 10:30 am (with nursery and children’s ministry at BOTH service times…yes!).   There are a few reasons we’re making this change: the first is resources. Our services require a ton of teams: worship team, welcome team, tech team, security team, and kids’ ministry team, to name a […]

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Do I really need more lights?

Spur of the moment—the time was set aside for sermon preparation, but I wrote this instead. It made sense, given all the questions swirling in my brain at that moment: “Can I spend $$$$$$$ on a remodel? It’s just supply and demand, right?” “How reasonable it is to buy four more strands of Christmas lights?”; […]

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You’ve got two options!

Starting this Sunday, Chapel Hill Port Orchard is worshipping at 9:30 AND 11:00am! Why would a small church add a second service?  Because we are a church for our neighbors, seeking God’s shalom in our neighborhoods…  And we’ve run out of room for our neighbors! May this never be! This Sunday we had two or three seats […]

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Hurry up and slow down already

“Yala, Yala!” I can hear a co-worker enticing us to transition into a meeting.  “Pali-Pali!” I can hear a professor teaching us about Korean culture to get moving.  “Let’s go!” I can hear myself calling out to my family from the garage just about any day.  It’s human nature, right? Productive. Efficient. Multi-tasking. These attributes rank high as points of praise for employees, students, and kids alike.  […]

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