WORSHIP Thank you for coming! KEEP IN TOUCH! Provide your email to hear from us every two weeks to stay up-to-date with happenings in Port Orchard! Here’s our latest newsletter. A few ways we participate in weekly worship: Sundays 9:30 am & 11 am Gathering at The Coffee Oasis at 807 Bay St.Thursdays 12-12:30 pm Prayer […]
Sending leaders around the world
Chapel Hill helps support believers around the world each with a unique mission. To love the abused or abandoned, to listen, to teach, to offer grace, hope and purpose. As a global church family, we pray for each other and spur one another on. […]
Stop spending your money at Costco!
Maybe I’m the only one, but have you ever got to the checkout at Costco, heard the cashier tell you how much your bill is, and (almost audibly) said, “That’s gonna cost how much? All I came in to buy was a few groceries!” It’s called Costco Treasure Hunting according to their website, and it […]
Five ways to create more time
“I just wish I had more time.” These were the words I said to a mentor of mine a few years ago. He immediately called me out on that statement. He pointed out to me that it was a limiting belief that I was using as an excuse. He told me to say to myself […]
Virtual Global Outreach visits 2022
A unique cross-cultural opportunity to listen, pray, laugh, and, of course, eat! Meet a great people seeking and sharing Jesus wherever we are throughout the earth. […]
Stick it
I just got my first Covid vaccination. The stick itself was no big deal. I’m sitting in the observation room for 15 minutes to ensure that I’m not one of those rare cases that has a reaction to the vaccine. I’m already scheduled for dose #2. I got my vaccine as early as possible for […]
Policy Governance
The EPC Book of Order says it is the duty and responsibility for the Session to “organize itself for the advancement of the ministry of the Church and the mission of that congregation.” To best accomplish that task, the Session has adopted Policy Governance as the method it uses to organize and control all the […]
Helping FISH Food Bank End Hunger in the Harbor
We’re committed to doing everything we can to help FISH Food Bank in their mission to end hunger in the Harbor. As a church, we will be donating food, delivering donations, filling volunteer shifts, and meeting any need that FISH brings to us. Most-needed items Volunteer at FISH Donate to FISH We are also accepting […]
Read More… from Helping FISH Food Bank End Hunger in the Harbor
Integrity in the face of opposition
I was ticked. Although I wasn’t in close contact with the guy and had no symptoms, because I had been possibly exposed to a friend who may have had COVID, my staff urged me not to preach last Sunday’s sermon in person. The elders on the Council agreed. So, I submitted. But sure, I was […]
COVID-19 Information
MASK MANDATE CHANGES As of March 12, 2022, the State of Washington ended the indoor mask mandate. Chapel Hill will continue to provide masks and hand sanitizer in the lobby and other locations in the building. […]